Famous Radio and TV showman Seva Kaplan:
Tennis has always been a show. The court is a stage. Fans are the audience. Pros of great talent susceptible to stage fear, frequently fail their career-Marat Safin is a perfect example.
As a showman myself, I admire a stage coach in Arcadi Edelman, the man who opens up a new world to his students. Every Saturday night his students do their not so little SNL on the camp's premises. They create their skits, direct the show, sing and play multiple musical instruments and all of it gets done on front of their parents. Every Saturday a new premiere!
Both of my kids are a product of Arcadia International Tennis Camp. My wife and myself are not an exception either.
The camp is small, with many coaches and a lot of personal attention. Kids learn not only to understand the fundamentals of tennis.
High schoolers get conditioned into playing college tennis.
Arcadi also gives amazing Master Classes for pros and pros-to be who wish to raise their tennis performance on the next level.
Seva Kaplan,
Radio Talk Show Host. TV- RTN Show
I am not only a showman, I am also Arcadi's tennis student.